Say no to mould
Stop your mould problems and end your discomfort with Gush anti-moulding paint. Enjoy a 2-year warranty for mould problems with Groundworks' painting services - our official Gush-certified painting service partner.

Stop your mould problems and end your discomfort with Gush anti-moulding paint. Enjoy a 2-year warranty for mould problems with Groundworks' painting services - our official Gush-certified painting service partner.
Goodbye mould problems with Gush anti-moulding paints. Hello happy, healthy home.
Mould is a very common (even unavoidable) problem, especially for homes in humid climates like Singapore’s. And if not stopped, it can harm your home and your health. Thankfully, there’s a way to get rid of mould, and make sure it stays that way too: anti-moulding paint. But how does it work? Can a fresh coat of paint really bring an end to pesky mould problems? Read on and you’ll find out.
Mould causes lots of problems.
You might start noticing mould as unsightly wall patches that you (and your guests) can’t take their eyes off. But mould spores can be in the air too. That might be why you’re getting scratchy throats, itchy eyes, and runny noses more often. It’s also what gives your house that damp, musty smell. Mould can grow on any surface as long as it can feed on moisture. Walls and ceilings provide the largest surface area in most spaces, and moisture condensation on walls is inevitable. As it spreads, mould starts penetrating into the wall, embedding itself and becoming tough to remove.
3 mould-stopping features in 1 coat.
Anti-mould paints are an effective way to stop mould from growing on your surfaces. But Gush paints ensure mould has no chance of survival, with 3 anti-moulding features built into its formulation. First, Gush paints contain powerful anti-microbial agents that break down mould’s organic structure. Secondly, Gush paints, when dry, create a unique structural layer on the surface. This is designed to rupture the membranes of mould microbes upon contact. Thirdly, Gush paints are able to absorb and desorb moisture. Doing so deprives mould spores of water that they need to grow. With 3 features instead of 1, you can be sure any mould spores within your space will be eliminated before they can grow. Plus, you won’t have to go through the hassle of regularly cleaning your walls with pungent mould cleaning products and remedies (like vinegar).
Solving your mould problems for good.
While Gush paints effectively stop mould spores in their tracks, there is one crucial step to make sure mould doesn’t reoccur in your home. Before you repaint, there is still mould hiding within the surface of your walls and ceilings. The best way to get rid of this is to use mould removal treatment. Our preferred painting service provider, Groundworks, have got this covered too. They use specialised deep cleaning mould removal services. This includes machine spray and ozone options, depending on the severity and length of your mould problem. More than removing surface mould, their cleaning methods kill mould within the wall. So no trace of mould remains, now and for years to come. Let’s end your mould problems and bring your home back to its beautiful best. Enjoy greater comfort, healthy spaces and peace of mind, for you and your loved ones. All it takes is a fresh coat of Gush paint.
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